“A young Belgian -American woman leaves Belgium and returns to the San Francisco Bay Area, hoping to escape her traumatic past, only to find herself coerced and forced into psychiatric treatment, enduring involuntary medication, restraints and assaults. She believes “universal ancestors” watch over her, marking her significance and fueling her…
Memoir excerpt , as published by “Mad In America” online.
From my “not yet published” memoir :”OFF-LABEL”- “Defending Life Beyond Prescribed Reality” Life On The Ledge By Isabel Eckes Sitting on the floor of my ex-boyfriend’s spare room, rummaging through my forsaken knick-knacks, my vintage toy poodle emerges. Her faded velvet body feels soft and clean, the black boucle loops…
My Quora Answers related to mental health challenges and psychiatric treatment (+Feedback from readers).
For further reading, check out my Quora profile, using this link: https://www.quora.com/profile/Isabel-E-35 Questions: 1.What exactly constitutes psychosis? 2.What does life look like through a person experiencing schizophrenia? 3.How has anyone else lost their children due to you having a mental illness? 4.How do I cope with schizophrenia? How do I…
About Me
Mother, writer, doodler, explorer of dimensions, mental health advocate, model. I’m certified as a mental health peer specialist, and as a group facilitator for both “Hearing Voices” and “Alternatives to Suicide.” Recently I’ve completed my memoir, focused on my experiences in the psychiatric system, primarily in the San Francisco Bay…